Own Your Health

Own Your Health

As the world’s access to food (and not necessarily the healthy kind) has increased and profoundly decreased physical activity becomes prevalent the number of many chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes are rising. The rise in these diseases are despite the...
Taking Our Time In The Workplace

Taking Our Time In The Workplace

Apart from our homes, the workplace is where we spend most of our time. Most of the tasks we are conducting at work are repeat tasks – Sitting at a desk, driving a vehicle, lifting boxes, hammering nails or a countless list of other duties that make up our day to day...
Dr. Barker Diets!

Dr. Barker Diets!

Dieting is an activity many of us participate in, especially in January and again as beach season comes upon us. There are many reasons people diet ranging from vanity, health, professional requirements (i.e.. competitive wrestlers). For me, I diet primarily for...
Watch out for the Snow Monster

Watch out for the Snow Monster

There have been some rumblings about snow in the valley in time for Christmas! As a chiropractor two things run through my mind, number one; maybe some snow will be good for business and number two; it’s probably a good time for a few tips on snow shoveling. Back when...